Paranormal State Illustrated


Taking a close look at what you see and hear on a “Real Life. Drama.” TV series.



The Paranormal Research Society (PRS) and Paranormal State repeatedly fail to use competent, qualified, and capable professionals to provide rational explanations, so it’s with no surprise we see Bill Birnes, publisher of UFO Magazine (notice the hat he’s wearing) appear as a biased, “Paranormal Researcher.” Bill was in many episodes on the History Channel’s, UFO Hunters, TV show. For whatever it’s worth, A&E Television Networks holds the copyright for UFO Hunters. A&E Television Networks also holds the copyright for Paranormal State.

In the “Devil in Jersey” episode of Paranormal State, Bill pontificates about how today’s “Jersey Devil” could be a feral descendent from a deformed person who cross-bred with other animals. Bill is edited in part of the episode which makes it appear that he interprets the FLIR® camera thermal images as the “Jersey Devil” with a “protuberance,” implying the protuberance is a wing or wings.

First published: 10 Mar 2010
Last updated: 22 Mar 2010

Written by: Ernie Marsh

“Paranormal Researcher” is Bill Birnes, from the History Channel’s, UFO Hunters. Like on UFO Hunters, Bill presents biased and absurd ideas generated from conjecture.

This is the first conversation we hear between Ryan and Bill:

Bill: Suppose they kept this kid in a keeping room, or a basement, or a root cellar, or something. And suppose that as the child grew older, his hair grew, his facial hair grew, he finally escaped, and he became feral. He was running in the wild. And different people saw this child with a very deformed face, that’s very elongated, and suddenly that becomes a horse-face, if it’s all hairy and overgrown. In terms of wings, could it be this creature was having an animal skin, and when it raised its arms, it looked like there were wings hanging down like a bat?

Ryan: Which is very possible if that story has some truth to it, and he escaped into the wilderness. People are still seeing the Jersey Devil, even this year. So are  you saying, maybe he cross-breeded with some other species?

Bill: Could it be there was a family of feral creatures, that descended from this one human being? These pine barrens are so desolate that they could be encamped in the woods somewhere, and people wouldn’t even know.

As of today, humans do not have the ability to cross-breed with another species. If you look at the conglomeration of body parts assembled that comprise the legendary “Jersey Devil,” it would mean that a physically deformed (male?) would have had to impregnate at a minimum, a female horse (for the head), a bat (for the wings) and perhaps another animal to include all the body parts. Science does not support this notion.

During the evidence review of the FLIR® images, Bill incorrectly makes the following statement as it relates to what appears to be wings on an unknown animal (which most likely is a white-tailed deer).

Having Bill Birnes on Paranormal State is just another example where the PRS uses someone within the paranormal community to present a biased account of that which is unfounded, unscientific, and unsound.

There is no scientific evidence that supports that there is a living creature known as the “Jersey Devil.” Currently, humans are not capable of having sex with another species and producing hybrid offspring. So Bill can blather on as much as he likes, but science does not support his assertions about a deformed feral person who cross-bred with another species and can now fly, and, that has produced inbred offspring.

Bill: See that, it’s a real protuberance.

That statement is wrong. There was no wing-protuberance from the animal (deer) spun as the “Jersey Devil.” No explanation was given how the “Jersey Devil” could get airborne and fly if it was a person with a lot of loose skin under their arms. Besides, the “protuberance” was an illusion due to a tree branch in between what I believe was a deer and the FLIR® camera that obscured part of the deer’s back. Whether intentional or not, Bill failed to accurately interpret the images. Instead, Bill gave incorrect, imaginative, and supernaturally-biased explanations.

First Contact [Television series episode]. UFO Hunters, A&E TV Networks © 2008 for the History Channel.

Screenshot 3, from “First Contact” episode.
This is not
Paranormal State’s, “First Contact.”

Screenshot 2, from “Devil in Jersey” episode.

“...child...escaped...became feral...”
“...his facial hair grew...that becomes a horse-face...”

“...animal skin...raised its arms...looked like there were wings...”

“ of feral creatures...descended...from this one...”

Screenshot 1, from Paranormal State “Devil in Jersey.”

Bill Birnes and some of his biased bunk.

Here’s Bill: