Paranormal State Illustrated

Paranormal State Illustrated
Taking a close look at what you see and hear on a “Real Life. Drama.” TV series.
Both scenes are similar and were shot on the same day at a temporary location for the Leominster Public Library. The scene was used in the “School House Haunting,” for which it was originally intended. But, a similar scene was used and effort was made to pass off the Leominster Public Library as happening in “Vegas.” In my opinion, using the scene from Leominster, Massachusetts in “Vegas” is misleading and deceptive.
Also note, there are other scenes that “Vegas” and “School House Haunting” have in common:
• Both episodes include Shannon Sylvia’s condo door opening, although they are of different “takes.”
• It is most likely that the scene in “Vegas,” where Katrina knocks on the door of Emily’s “family” was a take from “School House Haunting,” because it appears Katrina is wearing the same clothes in “School House Haunting,” but not wearing the same clothes in any other scenes in “Vegas.”
So let it be known: “Vegas” and “School House Haunting” share three similar scenes; a cross-episode reuse of scenes, if you will.
Since Paranormal State repeatedly takes scenes from one episode and puts them in another, why should you believe that the stories are accurate or “real?”
Scenes of the same microforms reader-printer were used in the “School House Haunting” and “Vegas” episodes.
Screenshot 1, from Paranormal State
Screenshot 2, from Paranormal State
“School House Haunting”
Note: the screen caption
is as it appears in the episode. It is faint because it’s being faded out in the episode.
Similar scenes were shot on the same day at at a temporary location for the Leominster Public Library. The address for the Library was 690 Mechanic Street, in Leominster, Massachusetts. The footage was intended for “School House Haunting,” but was incorporated into “Vegas” as filler material.
The scenes were recorded at the Leominster Public Library, in Leominster, Massachusetts, at the temporary address of 690 Mechanic Street. The scenes were used in two different episodes of Paranormal State.
The machine is a Canon Microprinter 90, which is a microforms reader-printer. The material being viewed is from a local newspaper in Leominster, Massachusetts called the Leominster Enterprise. The giveaway is that you see the same drawing of a stove, and the word “REFRIGERATORS” in all capital letters.
Notice too, that Eilfie is wearing a green, long-sleeved sweater with a black, “leather” jacket over her sweater. She wears those clothes in many scenes in the “School House Haunting” episode, but not in “Vegas.”
• Both scenes took place at the Leominster Public Library, at a temporary location.
• Both scenes have the same Canon Microprinter 90 machine and tan cabinet.
• The same issue of the Leominster Enterprise is being viewed in both scenes.
• Eilfie is wearing the same clothes in both scenes.
First published: 11 Nov 2008
Written by: Ernie Marsh
Note: This site is not owned by, or affiliated with Penn State, the Paranormal Research Society, A&E Television Networks, Go Go Luckey Productions, or Four Seasons Productions International, nor is it maintained or endorsed by them. Copyright © 2008-2012 Ernie Marsh.