Paranormal State Illustrated

Paranormal State Illustrated
Taking a close look at what you see and hear on a “Real Life. Drama.” TV series.
James was most likely flashing a laser pointer at an Iridium satellite flare, under the guise that flashing the laser got an alien UFO to “power-up” as a means to say, “hi.”
James Gilliland flashes a laser in the direction of a purported extraterrestrial UFO, which supposedly caused the UFO to “power-up” as a means to, in Gilliland’s words, “... make their presence known.” This is only an act.
This episode, while it touches on the possibility that some of the Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) could be satellites, never mentions the specific constellation of satellites, known as Iridium, which produce a visually bright flare when sunlight reflects off a panel of one of it’s three, Main Mission Antennas. The Iridium flares are predictable events, practically down to the second, and can be found by going to the Web site, and plugging in a specific geographic location. By doing so, one can know in advance, the date/time/location/intensity, of an Iridium flare.
I believe that James Gilliland knows in advance when an Iridium (or other satellite) flare will occur, then flashes a laser pointer in the sky right before the known flare will happen, as a means to produce the fake effect that he’s able to command an ET UFO to “power-up.”
Using a predictable, celestial event, to give the appearance that someone has control over heavenly items, was even used by Christopher Columbus against Caribbean Indians, and written about in books such as The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, and King Solomon’s Mines.
First published: 03 August 2009
Last update: 08 October 2009
Written by: Ernie Marsh
Iridium flares are predictable events, caused by sunlight gleaming off one of the three Main Mission Antennas on one of the many Iridium satellites in low Earth orbit.
Several books, in publication since the 1800’s, have portrayed people as having special powers because they had a connection with a Deity or could somehow summon or control nature. These situations were actually predictable events, such as a lunar or solar eclipse, which were exploited by the person who knew of the soon-to-be event. Instead of a predictable lunar or solar eclipse, James Gilliland exploits the predictable occurrence of a satellite flare.
What James Gilliland does by flashing a laser pointer is just a variation on a theme. He shines a laser right before an Iridium satellite flares to produce the illusion that he made an extraterrestrial UFO do a so-called “power-up.”
When I was talking with Dennis di Cicco, astrophotographer and Senior Editor of Sky & Telescope, he mentioned that it sounded to him like what James Gilliland was doing was along the lines of an actual ploy that Christopher Columbus used, among others, and how a similar situation of an eclipse was used in the book, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.
So I went to a Barnes & Noble book store and bought a copy of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. It mentioned a predictable solar eclipse and in an “endnote,” listed two other books; the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, and King Solomon’s Mines. Then I went to a local library and borrowed those books. Below are excerpts to show how a predictable event such as a lunar or solar eclipse, was used to gain advantage over people who weren’t aware of the predictable event or the scientific explanation of what was actually taking place.
After I described what Gilliland did with a laser pointer in “First Contact,” here’s what Dennis di Cicco told me:
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di Cicco, Dennis. Astrophotographer, Senior Editor of Sky & Telescope. Phone call with author. 15 June 2009.
Twain, Mark. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. 1889. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2005.
Haggard, H. Rider. King Solomon’s Mines. 1885. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest Association, 1994.
Irving, Washington. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. 1828. Vol. 2., book 16, chapter 3. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1868.
It is my opinion that Paranormal State withheld information of Iridium flares in the “First Contact” episode, and falsely portrayed James Gilliland as having the ability to cause an extraterrestrial UFO to, in his words, “power-up,” as if saying “hi” or “making their presence known,” just because he flashed a laser pointer in the sky.
In all likelihood, the event shown was an Iridium satellite flare which Gilliland had advanced knowledge of, most likely from the Web site. He simply flashed a laser pointer immediately before the predicted (but not mentioned in the show) flare happened- to create the illusion of a paranormal event. I have yet to see Ryan or anyone in the Paranormal Research Society (PRS) mention Iridium flares on the PRS Web site, or the on-line A&E TV forum about Paranormal State. How come PRS research didn’t show how closely the situation resembles an Iridium flare, and that there are documented instances where people knew of a predictable event and used that knowledge to make it appear as if they have special powers? So much for seeking the truth.
Gilliland flashing a laser pointer as if he’s making contact with an extraterrestrial UFO so it will “power-up.”
Screenshot 1, from Paranormal State “First Contact”
Appears at approximately 16 minutes 18 seconds.
The next four quotes are of the fictional event from the writing of Mark Twain. Twain borrowed the concept of how Christopher Columbus used a lunar eclipse to gain advantage, only here, Twain used his creative literary license to portray his event as a solar eclipse. Twain’s character, Hank, knew that a solar eclipse was going to happen on a specific day and time, and used that knowledge to make it appear he had power over the sun. Hank did this as a means to save himself from being burned at the stake.
The following quotes relate to the actual historical event of how Christopher Columbus used a lunar eclipse which he knew was about to happen, and incorporated that knowledge to his advantage to get Caribbean Indians to treat his men better and give them more supplies, including food.
Haggard’s character, Allan Quartermain, uses his knowledge of an upcoming lunar eclipse to free a girl from being killed in a sacrifice, as well as securing freedom and passage for he and his men just taken captive.
Screenshot 2, from Paranormal State “First Contact”
Appears at approximately 17 minutes 56 seconds.
James Gilliland talks about how he predicted the exact time the “ship” would appear.
Now, compare those scenarios which were from books first published in the 1800’s, to what James Gilliland tells Chip, Ryan, and other Paranormal Research Society (PRS) members when they talk the day after Mr. Gilliland flashed his laser pointer in the night sky to make it appear that an alien UFO did a “power-up” as if to acknowledge his laser-wielding efforts. The bolded words are to show my emphasis.
Note: This site is not owned by, or affiliated with Penn State, the Paranormal Research Society, A&E Television Networks, Go Go Luckey Productions, or Four Seasons Productions International, nor is it maintained or endorsed by them. Copyright © 2008-2012 Ernie Marsh.