Paranormal State Illustrated


Taking a close look at what you see and hear on a “Real Life. Drama.” TV series.



The PRS, Chad, and Jim (Cryptozoologist) go into the forest on the first night of the investigation in search of the “Jersey Devil.” They divide into two teams; one to search the north end of the forest, and the other to search the south end of the forest. Sounds are heard, Sergey points the FLIR® camera around looking for whatever.

But if they are deep in the forest, within what Ryan said are “millions of acres of desolate land” in New Jersey, why is it that there appears to be a camper, a tow vehicle (truck?), and power lines, in some scenes when Sergey is holding the FLIR® camera? Is it because some of these scenes were actually shot in the campground where the PRS stayed, and not deep in the woods?

First published: 10 Mar 2010

Written by: Ernie Marsh

Do you think “The Hunt” happened deep in the woods? If it did, how come there appears to be a truck, camper, and transmission lines in the background in some scenes?

Screenshot 1, from Paranormal State “Devil in Jersey”

PRS supposedly goes in the woods at 2:56 AM to find the “Jersey Devil.”

Preface: There is a bar code on the FLIR® camera which leads me to believe it was rented for the “Devil in Jersey” episode. The camera looks like it is either a FLIR Systems B620 or B660. This specific model was designed and manufactured for advanced building and energy surveys, not for tracking animals in the woods.

While walking somewhere, Chad commented it was so dark “you can’t even see your hand in front of your face,” and on-screen captions show the PRS divided into two teams; one to search the north end of the forest, and one to search the south end of the forest. So you might think this segment took place deep in the woods. Some noises are heard, and an animal (possibly an owl in a tree) is seen on the FLIR® display. But if you noticed, there were three, dimly-lit, night-vision (green) scenes which showed Sergey using the FLIR® and it looks as if one scene had a camper (trailer), another had what could include part of the tow vehicle (truck?) for the camper, and a third scene has what looks like transmission (power) lines and possibly a telephone pole. If that’s what these items are, what are they doing in what’s supposed to be a desolate forest?

Each screenshot has been lightened and sharpened from how it appeared in the “Devil in Jersey” episode.

While I am not certain as to the exact location of the scenes in which there appears to be a camping trailer, a vehicle and camping trailer, and power lines and telephone pole, it is likely that these three scenes were shot in the campground where the Paranormal Research Society (PRS) stayed.

If the above three scenes were shot in the Baker’s Acres Campground and not out in the “desolate” woods during “The Hunt,” this would be another example where Paranormal State fabricated a segment. And if the PRS official motto is “To Trust, Honor, and Alway Seek the Truth,” why don’t we see events unfold along the same (real/actual) timeline in which they took place?

1. Is that a camper in the background?

Screenshot 2 from Paranormal State, “Devil in Jersey.”
Appears at approximately 9 minutes and 25 seconds.

If this is deep in the woods, what’s a camper doing here?

2. Is that a truck and camper back there?

Screenshot 3 from Paranormal State, “Devil in Jersey.”
Appears at approximately 9 minutes and 49 seconds.

This is another screenshot seen a short time later, to show what could be the tow vehicle for what appears to be a camping trailer. This appears to be the same camper (if that’s what this is) seen in the previous screenshot.

3. Power lines in the forest?

Screenshot 4 from
Paranormal State, “Devil in Jersey.”
Appears at approx. 10 min. and 6 sec.

If Sergey is deep in the woods, what would power lines be doing there? And is that a telephone pole rising into the sky? Cottages and cabins at Baker’s Acres Campground have air conditioning, microwave, lights, and a refrigerator- which require electricity.

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FLIR B620 & B660”, accessed 08 March 2010.

In The News... and More!”, accessed 08 March 2010.