Paranormal State Illustrated


Taking a close look at what you see and hear on a “Real Life. Drama.” TV series.



Ryan mentioned that an employee of James Randi couldn’t debunk the show Paranormal State. I asked Ryan for evidence to support that statement. Seems Ryan made that up.

On page 178, paragraph four of Ryan’s book, Paranormal State: My Journey into the Unknown, Ryan mentioned that some people think paranormal shows are staged. While he didn’t speak for other paranormal shows, he stated no one can back up the accusation that Paranormal State episodes are staged. He went on to say an employee of James (The Amazing) Randi, could not debunk the show.

I asked Ryan to provide evidence to support his statement- that an employee of James Randi tried to debunk the show but couldn’t. I sent Ryan a letter via the United States Postal Service, an e-mail, and placed an open invitation on this website for him to answer back. Ryan has not answered my request.

First published: 24 October 2010
Last updated: 03 November 2010

Written by: Ernie Marsh

page 178 paragraph 4

The page example shown below is a graphical representation I made which looks very close to what’s in Ryan’s book, Paranormal State: My Journey into the Unknown. I used a yellow highlight for emphasis.

Ryan mentioned that an employee of James (The Amazing) Randi couldn’t debunk the TV show, Paranormal State. I sent Ryan a letter, an e-mail, and made an open invitation on this website asking Ryan to provide evidence to support his statement. Ryan has yet to answer. There is no evidence that supports Ryan’s comment.

Evidence does however, show that Ryan made up the comment about talking with an employee of James Randi. Randi e-mailed me that no employee of his “ever made such a comment.”

Please tell us the name of the James Randi employee who you said couldn’t debunk the TV show, Paranormal State.

I will post your reply.

-Ernie Marsh

Below is a scanned image of the letter I sent to Ryan asking him to name the “... an employee of James Randi...” Ryan stated couldn’t debunk the TV series, Paranormal State. To verify Ryan’s statement if an employee of James Randi ever made that comment, I’m asking Ryan to name the employee. I mailed the letter on 26 October 2010, via U.S. mail, and paid $1.15 for a Certificate of Mailing, which shows “... evidence that mail has been presented to USPS® for mailing.” I also sent Ryan an e-mail containing the same information to his e-mail address listed on “the official site for Ryan Buell,” Timorem Omitte.

No “employee of James Randi” ever made such a comment. I suggest that you request evidence to support this statement.

James Randi

“No ‘employee of James Randi’ ever made such a comment.”
Before trying to contacting Ryan, I sent James (The Amazing) Randi an e-mail and asked Randi if he would comment on the quote in Ryan’s book. According to Randi’s reply shown below, used with permission, “No ‘employee of James Randi’ ever made such a comment.”